Idé, finansiering og prosjektledelse
Art installation in collaboration with Martin Havnør exploring the boarder crossings between the tactile, the mediated, the interactive and the generated.
Morrison, Andrew; Sem, Idunn; Havnør, Martin.
Behind the Wallpaper: Multimodal Performativity in Mixed-reality Arts. I: Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press 2010 ISBN 1-57273-958-4. s. 183-220 AHO UiO
Morrison, Andrew; Sem, Idunn;
'Stretching multiliteracies: production-based education & 'new media'. Digital kompetanse - Nordic journal of digital literacy 2008 ;Volum 3.(3) s. 179-201
Behind the Wallpaper: Multimodal Performativity in Mixed-reality Arts. I: Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press 2010 ISBN 1-57273-958-4. s. 183-220 AHO UiO
Morrison, Andrew; Sem, Idunn;
'Stretching multiliteracies: production-based education & 'new media'. Digital kompetanse - Nordic journal of digital literacy 2008 ;Volum 3.(3) s. 179-201